Scholarships for Edna Manley College Students
Students at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts continue to benefit from the benevolence of The Louise Bennett Heritage Council.
The Louise Bennett Heritage Council, established in honour of Jamaican author, actress and folklorist Louise Bennett Coverley, continued its support for the students at the college by awarding five bursaries to pupils across various disciplines. This year's recipients are Kaela Sudeah (School of Visual Arts), Talia Prout (School of Music), Christophe Phillips (School of Dance), Shana-Kay Abdul (School of Arts Management and Humanities), and Judian Trowers (School of Drama).
The money for this bursary was raised by the council through various fund-raising activities, including a performance of the National Dance Theatre Company which was held in Florida, and the presentations were made by chairman of the council Colin Smith and Jamaican Consul General to the southern United States of America Oliver Mair, who also sits on the Florida-based Louise Bennett Heritage Council.

Interim principal of the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts Dorrett Campbell (second left, standing) shares a moment with the five recipients of the scholarships from the Louise Bennett Heritage Council. Also witnessing the presentation are (standing, from left to right) Jamaica's Consul General for the southern United States Oliver Mair, Colin Smith and Malachi Smith, all representing the Louise Bennett Heritage Council. The recipients for 2022 are (seated from left) Talia Prout, Judian Trowers, Christophe Phillips, Shana-Kay Abdul, and Kaela Sudeah.
Victoria Taffe is the Louise Bennett-Coverley Heritage Council Scholarship Winner 2020/21.
Victoria is a vocal student at the School of Music - Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts in Kingston, Jamaica. Victoria – stage name Tori Love- is a member of the Vocal Jazz Ensemble and was a part of the School of Music’s Honors Recital for two consecutive years. The Honors Recital is a competition that ends in a showcase of the school’s best soloists for that year.

Reggae Scholarship Presented to Institute of Caribbean Studies (UWI, Mona)
Jamaica’s Consul General to the Southern USA, Mr. Oliver Mair (left) presenting a check for a $1,000 scholarship to Dr. Sonjah Stanley Niaah, Director and Senior Lecturer (right), at the Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. The scholarship is to be awarded to a student pursuing studies in Reggae Music at the Institute.
The scholarship is a collaborative effort of the Consulate and the Louise Bennett-Coverley Heritage Council (LBC-HC) a South Florida cultural group. Partial funding also came from sponsorship for the first Reggae Strong Celebration, held February 2020. The concert, hosted by The Consulate General of Jamaica, Miami, celebrated Reggae Month in the Diaspora. The Consulate General teamed up with Reggae Global Entertainment and International Celebration of Reggae Music (ICOR) to stage the inaugural Reggae Strong Celebration with several renowned Jamaican performing artistes. In expressing his appreciation to the many performers, sponsors and supporters, Consul General Mair said that he was especially pleased to add the Celebration to Jamaica’s annual Reggae Month calendar as it highlights the strength of the music in the Diaspora. Consul General Mair said that, “Reggae music continues to be one of the biggest assets to Jamaica’s economic development. It speaks to our commitment and recognition of how critical our music and culture contribute to the strong brand recognition, and also strengthens Diaspora engagement.” - July 2021

Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverley Memorial Scholarship
The Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverley Memorial Scholarship is awarded primarily to deserving students of the Performing or Language Arts, in honor of Jamaica’s late Cultural Ambassador, the Hon. Louise Bennett-Coverley, OJ, OBE, D. Litt., to ensure that her legacy will be continued throughout future generations.
Since its inception in 2006, scholarships in the amount of $1,000 -$2,500 have been awarded to students of the Edna Manley College (Jamaica) and the Broward College (USA) and to date, $25,000 (21 scholarships) has been disbursed.
The scholarships are funded primarily from generous donations made at the annual LB-C Reading Festivals and as Miss Lou would say –“Every Mickle Meck a Muckle” / “One-One Coco full basket”. Your generous contributions will be greatly appreciated and ensure that these students get the help they need, in achieving their goals. Checks are made out to the Louise Bennett-Coverley (LB-C) Heritage Council, or click on our "Donate" button.